Since I first became aware of evidence that school stress may actually be a driving force behind youth suicide, I’ve been haunted by why. Why does what we know matters most, our precious children’s health and well being, get ignored in favor of pushing them toward what the world defines as success?
I’m increasingly convinced the answer lies in a natural, and necessary, desire for security. Our children’s longterm well being does depend on a measure of financial security. Which begs another question, why are we hyper-focused on academic indicators in hopes that our children will achieve financial stability while ignoring financial literacy?
This is a topic I’m focusing on these days both in my home with my own children and as part of my larger mission to help families break free from the prison of anxiety so they can truly embrace all life has to offer. In fact, a few months back I accepted an advisory board position with the startup bringing the Lifehub Learning Center to market. Financial literacy is critical to help our kids live their best lives.
We need to be teaching our kids (and ourselves) how to truly manage money. And we need to prepare them for a role greater than that of a consumer. Yes, they should experience the exhilaration of setting a goal, saving up, and buying something they want–rather than having it handed to them. But they will benefit far more by building on that knowledge to transform from consumer to a creator.
As much as fear of a lack of money can give rise to toxic levels of stress and anxiety, learning to use money wisely in creating a better world can relieve suffering. And as I think of this, I’m reminded of entrepreneur Nathan Barry who lives in my local area. One of his mantra’s “create every day” helped build a multi-million dollar startup that not only provides financial security for his family and his employees’ families. It’s also allowing his company to give generously to people in need around the world.
In a world where our kids are literally dying to win, stories like his provide hope. They also convince me that we need to intentionally help our children learn the true power of money, rather than suffer from a lack of knowledge and skills.
Do you ever worry your kids are under too much pressure? Or worry they lack the internal drive necessary to succeed in life? Sign-up for my free discussion guide to start a critical conversation today.
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂